Current Date:

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Environment Minister Addresses Workshop on Raising Capacities in Environmental Education Field

Khartoum - Environment, Natural Resources and Urban Development Minister, Dr. Hassan Hilal said environmental pollution, drought and desertification are among the most damaging to the environment in Sudan.
The minister said that 90% of the agriculture in Sudan depends on rainwater irrigation, which has caused fluctuations and fragility in the Sudanese life as a result of the climatic changes that occur, stressing the importance of confronting these changes.
Hilal announced the adoption of his ministry to the student tree project and re-print of the book, environmental studies, which was taught in the secondary stage, calling for the need to teach children the importance of conservation of natural resources in order to preserve the environment and the importance of awareness and environment culture.
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment, Dr. Omer Mustafa praised the successes achieved by the sustainable management project, stressing the need for Sudan for sustainable development, which cannot be achieved without an environment.