Current Date:

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

The Initiation of (Pick up a Paper and Clean what Surrounds You)

(Ala’a Babikir) Rising up the phrase of (You and your neighbor, come with us to make your street clean); a group of old and young, men and women have participated to make this initiation even more practical by putting important goals for their great work.
Starting from the beginning, the founder of this initiation Is Mr. Adil Alnaiem (the single photo), who lives in Britain. It's been six months now since the initiation has started, and it had well acceptance in Khartoum, Al-Deoum Al-Shargia, Abo-Seid, Kosti, Al-Fashir, Al-Dien, Al-Sagana, and Al-Obaied.
They, at the initiation, have made important points which are:
* The environmental sanitation is a cultural and social thought that depends on the action of all individuals of the society.
* Our dream is to have a clean environment to be a title of a civilized society, and a mirror that reflects our living reality.
* We know that the shortage towards the environment and it's cleaning has spread through the city and all towns, that's why we have promised ourselves to keep the environment clean and beautiful and to make that kind of a national duty, all individuals and all media should commit to it, and to have even one day a week to clean the streets.
* And most importantly to demand finding clean and beautiful environment as in other countries.

To make our above goals come true, we had to start with:
* Raise awareness through school and mosques, and to keep all places clean.
* Produce more garbage bags and spread them equally at their specific spots.
* Urging young people to do more initiations like this even through Facebook, Twitter, and What's App.
* Cleaning starts with your house and your street.
* We need to respect the environment around us, and stop anything could affect it's cleaning.
* Parents at home should realize that raising their kids to better ethics is important, to guide and help creating better generations.
This initiation had such a great vogue and interaction from different ages inside and outside of Sudan.
At last, we are responsible for every action that comes from us, and sometimes it's not the clean worker's duty to collect what we throw out of the garbage bags.