Current Date:

Friday, 29 September 2017

Climate Change Diplomacy and Negotiations Workshop Convenes

Khartoum – “Sudan ratification of the Paris 2015 Climate Change Agreement is a landmark in the road of combating climate change” said Minister of Environment, Dr. Hassan

Hilal in his address to the opening session of the 3-day (23 – 26) September Climate Change Diplomacy and Negotiations Workshop.
He added that the whole world has to unite to combat climate change because it is the strongest challenge to the world sustainability at present.
“We hope by the end of this workshop to have more skilled and knowledgeable negotiators who are much better prepared to present Sudan’s National Determined Projects and Contributions (NDC) and programmes in the next climate change summit (CoP23) which will be convened in Germany next year” said Dr. Hilal.
He concluded by commending the strong cooperation of the UN Environment Programme and the support of UK Aid.
For her part, Dr. Mai Ahmed from the UN Environment (Sudan) said that the major aim of the workshop is to strengthen the skills and knowledge of the Sudanese negotiators in the upcoming CoP23 next year.
Environment Expert from Ghanam Dr. Seth Osafa valued high the role played by Sudan in the Paris 2015 Climate Change negotiations, stressing on the presentation that 41 out of the 52 African states are among the least developed countries and most affected by climate change and were given special treatment in the Paris 2015 agreement.
“We all know that climate change affects global agriculture, food security, water resources, and even migration, peace and stability. However, those livelihoods mostly rely on natural resources are the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change” said Mr. Raja Sorekardoddi who was speaking on behalf of the UN Environment Office (Sudan)
He concluded by emphasizing the importance of the workshop to boost Sudan’s national negotiation capacity to broker better deals on climate change multilateral agreements and to be well prepared for the upcoming CoP23 taking place in Berlin, Germany next year.