Current Date:

Thursday, 30 November 2017

National Committee for Combating Money Laundering Calls for Coordinating in Coming Phase

Khartoum - (Khalda Elyas) The Rapporteur of the National Committee for combating money laundering and Financing Terrorism Hayder Abass Abu Sham has called for cooperation and coordination between all competent agencies for combating the risks of money laundering and financing terrorism.
He disclosed Sudan's preparations and the efforts exerted for the second round for the years 2020-2022 for evaluating Sudan between the financial action groups highlighting the role of the government and its effort for the advancement of Sudan via the  legislative and executive action  and realizing a high level of efficiency of evaluation by benefiting from the first experiment and correction of shortcomings.
He called for commitment to all requirements so that Sudan will not return to square one of classifying it as one of the uncooperative countries in combating money laundering financing terrorism.