Posted by Dr. Kirya Ahmed ( have 62 posts )

Category: Columns

The Rate of Whitening Face and Adding Weight are on the Increase!

How dangerous to change God’s creation! Starting in that exclamatory way reflects my great surprise to what we actually see around us. We face it every day, just in

Category: Columns

The World Toilet Day, What a Day!

Yesterday afternoon I was leafing through Sudan Vision Newspaper, where suddenly my eyes caught a mainsheet that reads like what is actually stated above. Yes,

Category: Columns

The Congested Stations!

Highly densely populated city usually suffer in all services. It reaches at times necessities of life; food, for example, might need good hunt to get it at the right

Category: Columns

Practice English WhatsApp Group

Talking to one of my closest friends about his idea as concerning this world of modernization, and what surprises him much of these new technological pieces that he
